The 1 Mistake 96% Of Beginners Make When Picking A Niche

You'll Never Succeed If You Don't Avoid This

Most people struggle to pick a single niche to focus on.

FOMO kicks in and they generalize their niche into multiple niches and focus on solving multiple problems at once.

They have 2-3 offers in place because they are afraid to limit themselves to one specific niche.

And that is the root problem of why 96% of entrepreneurs can’t make any money.

Operational Drag Multipliers

A niche brings order to all the chaos that ensues when you don’t have one.

What are operational drag multipliers?

The degree of complexity in your operations due to certain variables in your business.

It doesn't matter how hard you row, it matters what boat you’re in

Warren Buffet

The number of variables in your business determines whether your business will be in order or chaos.

There are 2 primary operational drag multipliers in your business.

Your niche and product.

The key to getting from 0 to $100k+/mo is to have one niche and one product or service.

Let’s look at my program to understand:

Niche: High-ticket services and coaching businesses

Service: Getting 5-10 clients every month for coaches, consultants, and agency owners.

Let’s dissect the variables in my business:

  • 1 Offer

  • 1 Niche

  • 1 Funnel

  • 1 Content strategy

  • 1 CTA

  • 1 Calendly event

  • 1 Outreach system

  • 1 Inbound system

  • 1 Contract

  • 1 Onboarding Process

  • 1 Email account

  • 1 Newsletter

  • 1 CRM spreadsheet

  • 1 Payment plan

  • 1 Pricing strategy

  • 1 Sales Pitch

  • 1 Sales script

  • 1 Followup process

  • 1 Cold email script

Now after integrating them:

1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1 (19 times) = 1

The operational drag multiplier for my business will always be 1 or less than that.

Which means there is little to no complexity in my business.

Simplicity scales, complexity fails.

Let’s look at another business that has 2 niches:

  • 2 Offer

  • 2 Niche

  • 2 Funnel

  • 2 Content strategies

  • 2 CTA

  • 2 Calendly event

  • 2 Outreach system

  • 2 Inbound system

  • 2 Contract

  • 2 Onboarding Process

  • 2 Email account

  • 2 Newsletter

  • 2 CRM spreadsheet

  • 2 Payment plan

  • 2 Pricing strategy

  • 2 Sales Pitch

  • 2 Sales script

  • 2 Followup process

  • 2 Cold email script

After combining them:

2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2 (19 times) = operational drag multiplier is 524288

That’s a lot of complexity.

This is the most basic form of reality. Having an extra niche complicates your business by 5 hundred thousand times than having a single niche.

This applies to every variable that exists in your business (not just your niche).

Who’s more likely to scale?

A company with an ODM of 1 OR a company with an ODM of 524288 or more?

There’s no point in running a business if you don’t have the operational capacity to take full advantage of it.

Start removing your products, offers, and niches until you come down to 1 niche, 1 product/service, and 1 offer.

Trim down all your variables to 1 for maximum output.

This is how great businesses are built.

That’s it from me today.

Enjoy your week.

Nithish V


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