The Brand Board (Starter-Kit To Personal Branding)

How To Never feel Overwhelmed By Your Brand

Starting out as a creator is overwhelming.

You need to figure out your content, niche, long-forms, short-forms, networking strategy, outreach strategy, phew!

I know. It’s a lot.

After constant feeling of overwhelm and $1000s invested in coaches and courses:

It has taken me a year to figure everything out.

Before you start building an audience, you need answers to the most fundamental questions that will guide your brand.

These questions act as a north pole in your journey. But nothing is set in stone. Every pursuit is filled with iterations. But to start off the journey you need the minimum threshold of clarity.

Without clarity, you’ll waste your time doing the wrong things at the wrong time with no real plan. Without order, chaos will ensue.

To make out your detailed plan for your brand, let’s create your brand board.

The Brand Board

The brand board is your starter-kit you need to cover before building an audience. Knowing who you are, who you serve, and what you’ll create will prevent all future overwhelm and stress.

Create a database and fill it with your answers to these meta-questions that’ll make your whole personal brand.

Let’s start figuring out your niche:

Nail Your Niche

  1. Who are you?

    Summarize yourself in a few sentences

  2. What do you write about?

    Brainstorm answers

  3. Where have you transformed? What can you talk about for hours on end? What do you know more about than 95% of people?


  4. What do you want to achieve? 

    Is this different from what you know better than most or a continuation of the journey?

Chosen Topic

The aim here is to pick what fascinates you the most. I’ve found this to be easier as a process of elimination. Get rid of everything that doesn’t make you curious until you’re left with what does. Then pick what fascinates you the most.

Remember, this is just a starting point. As you create content, you’ll follow the signal of your energy and your audience’s attention.

  1. What specific topics will you write about?

Your One True Fan

Start with a few sentences. Who are they? Age? Job? What are they interested in? Why are they online?

  1. Describe your reader in a few sentences

  2. Fill out this table to put together your reader.

    Keep asking ‘why’ to go deeper. (Use my table contents as inspiration and create your own)

  3. List out the objections and obstacles

    These are roadblocks you help your reader overcome.

Nail Your Short-Form Content

1. Advice Style Content

There are 5 types of advice-style content:

  • Tips

  • Tricks

  • How to’s

  • Mistakes

  • Frameworks

  • 101’s and guides

  1. List out your advice-style content ideas.

You might also ask:

What would be something useful I can share with the person I used to be? It’s good to also attach the benefit by adding ‘so you can…’

For example:

How to launch your first digital product so you can disconnect your time from money

How to land your first 5 clients so you can become an authority figure

How to create a brand board so you can create content that pulls in followers and converts them to fans

2. Story Content

5 sources of storytweets:

  • Realizations

  • Mistakes

  • Fears

  • Progress

  • Experiences

A question to help:

  1. What would you like your audience to know about you? List them down.

Remember, we either start with the event or the lesson.

3. Personality

The secret to personality is polarity and strong beliefs. So answer these 2 questions (list as many as you can):

  1. What pisses you off?

  2. What do you believe strongly about that most people don’t?

Specificity is key. Brain storm, then narrow down the list.

In terms of an enemy, pick the one you feel most strongly about that aligns with your messaging.

Nail Your Long-Form Content

There are 7-types of long-forms:

  • Advice, insights and frameworks

  • Habits

  • Curation

  • Lessons & mistakes

  • How to’s

  • Authority by association

  • Stories (yourself and other people)

  1. Brainstorm content ideas for each long-form type. Brainstorm and list them down categorized by type.

Here’s a (brief) example of some stuff I might write. But note, if you’re a beginner you might have less advice and more authority by association. That’s the norm for beginners.

Advice, insights and frameworks

  • How to DM people to get booked calls

  • How to get inbound leads

  • How to write newsletters

  • How to form habits effortlessly

  • How to monetize your brand without a huge following

  • How to sell in 1-1 calls

  • How to find leads to outreach

  • Solve your problems, sell the solution


  • How I formed a meditation habit in 21 days

  • How to break addictions

  • Forming a writing habit

  • How to bring consistency to any habit


  • Top 10 books of 2023

  • Top 10 YT channels

  • Top 5 podcasts

  • Top 5 YT videos

  • Top 5 threads

  • Top 10 twitter handles (big, underrated)

Lessons & mistakes

Write your answer here.

  • Spend time with loved ones

  • Plan your day

  • Turn off your phone in deep work

  • Separate work from family

  • Monetization in 21 days

  • Writing mistakes

  • Monetization mistakes

  • How to handle your GF

How to’s

  • How to land your first client

  • How to get 5-10 booked calls every week

  • How to write daily emails

Authority by association

  • Dan Koe

  • Kieran Drew

  • Dakota Robertson

  • J K Molina

  • Leo Gura

  • Robert Greene

  • Dr Hubermann

Stories (yourself and other people)

  • Getting a girlfriend

  • Losing my aunt

  • Failed in 7 businesses

  • College experience

  • Regained weight

  • Porn addiction

  • Losing my bestfriend

  • Becoming an extrovert

  • Forgiving my friend

  • My first $1000

  • Fascination on books

That’s it from me today.

Enjoy your week.


If You Need My Help With Your Personal Brand, You Have 3 Options:

1. 𝕏 Consultation: A 4-hour call where I'll help you with ALL your problems on content creation and monetizing your brand + I’ll give you access to Creator Command Center (my notion system for content creation). DM me “Consult” on X by clicking this link

2. One-to-One Mentorship: A 90-day mentorship program where I'll help you systemize your content creation + monetize your brand to 4-figures in just 2 hours/day. DM me “Mentor” on X by clicking this link

3. Follow this Newsletter: I’ll be posting all the strategies I use + exclusive giveaways to this newsletter. You can follow me here. (You can also follow me on 𝕏 here)


or to participate.