I Didn't Work For 12 Days And I Don't Regret It

Life Update

I didn’t work for 12 days.

And it was the best period of my life.


Because I was traveling the world.

4 countries to be exact.

Don’t get me wrong.

I come from a lower middle-class family.

In no way, I could ever afford such a trip from my family’s income.

Then how did I, a middle-class boy, go on such a trip?

My coaching business.

I made enough money in 2023 to afford such a trip for me and my family.

And this was the best period of my life.

But it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine before this.

This was preceded by my worst period in life. Countless failures, stagnation, and no results haunted me throughout 2023. But I didn’t quit.

But I had all the reasons to.

For more than half a year, I had zero results.

My parents started losing hope in me.

Others who started after me made more money than I ever did.

But I was obsessed.

Obsessed with winning.

It was either I make tons of money or I die trying.

And that mindset got me to the point where I could travel the world with my girlfriend and family.

12 months is all it took for me to reach this point.

And I have no special talent.

I have no unique abilities that make me different except for one thing:

I put in the work while improving everyday.

If you are not consistent, you’ll fail.

If you don’t correct what you’re doing wrong, you’ll fail.

Take this second as your wake-up moment and start taking action.

If I can do it who had no real talent until last year, you can do it too.

That’s it from me today.

Have a good week.

Nithish V


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