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  • Here's How I Repurpose 1 Tweet In 1000 Different Ways (Literally)

Here's How I Repurpose 1 Tweet In 1000 Different Ways (Literally)

(In Under 30 Minutes)

You don’t need new ideas.

You just need to articulate ideas you already have in creative ways.

Having 10 good ideas to talk about can be all you need.

Talking about the same ideas positions you as an authority in the creator space.

People will trust you for the idea you talk about if you’ve done it enough times.

Here are 7 ways you can repurpose 1 idea into 1000 different ways (literally):

1. The SCAMPER Technique

Take an idea and go through the SCAMPER framework:

  • S → Substitute

    What can you replace?

    • The main idea of the tweet/thread

    • The method/process for accomplishing X benefit

    • The method/process for avoiding Y painpoint

  • C → Combine

    What can be combined?

    • Combine too similar tweets for more power

    • Combine an idea with your personal experience

  • A → Adapt

    What can be added?

    • If you write a Heavy Hitting Line - can you expand that into a full tweet? Maybe a thread?

    • Is there a "missing piece" in the advice you or others have given?

    • Is there an idea that could make your tweet more powerful?

  • M → Modify

    What can be modified, maximized, magnified, or minimized?

    • Can you magnify a specific pain point your audience has? Exaggeration.

    • Can you use the same idea in a different tweet format?

  • P → Purpose

    Put to other usecases.

    • Think: marketing angles - how can you angle your idea in a way that impacts another part of your audience? What other benefit/painpoint can your idea solve?

  • E → Eliminate

    What can be removed or simplified?

    • Simple writing is always more effective

    • What can you remove from a long tweet to make it more "punchy?"

    • How short and to the point can you be?

  • R → Reverse

    What would happen if you reversed the idea?

    • "You can change your life with 3-6 months of pure focus" to "Without pure focus, the next 3-6 months will leave you in the same place in life."

2. Add In Your Personal Experience

Here’s how you can generate unique angles with the same idea using your experience:

  1. Vision:

    How does your idea relate to actualizing some aspect of your vision?

    Can you turn this into advice for your future or younger self?

  2. Goals:

    How will the idea help you (or your audience) achieve your brand’s goals?

  3. Interests:

    How does the idea relate to your main areas of interest or expertise?

  4. Reflection:

    What were the insights you had this week while building a better future for yourself (living an interesting and different life)?

  5. Values:

    How does the idea build on or take away from your values or other values out there?

  6. Experiences:

    Have you had any previous experience related to that idea?

    Can you use an experience to bring a new perspective to that idea?

  7. Purpose:

    How does the idea help with solving the BIG problem in the world or in your life?

3. The 8 Life Forces

Taking one — or multiple — of these into account is how you get specific with pains and benefits.

Study these topics for deeper understanding and content ideas.

  • Survival:

    The human psyche is wired for the survival of self.

    How can you position your writing towards the survival of themselves or their beliefs? People want their beliefs confirmed. Can you do that confidently?

  • Life Enjoyment:

    Can you position your writing and the topic at hand in a way that helps them increase their quality of life?

    Emphasize the specific benefits related to that topic.

  • Freedom From Fear:

    How can the idea or topic you are writing about ease their worries about the future?

  • Sexual Companionship:

    How does the idea relate to not ending up alone?

  • Comfort & Clarity:

    Humans love when they don’t have to think about what they need to do — thinking causes stress and other negative emotions.

    How can you bring them clarity?

  • Perceived Status:

    How does your idea help them care less about what others think?

    What will make people feel superior?

  • Safety Of Community:

    Humans feel obligated to protect those that they care about.

    How does your content idea help them do that better?

  • Social Acceptance:

    How does your idea help them fit in socially?

All 3 methods give you the building blocks to repurpose 1 idea into 1000 different ways. Create a separate database. Use these thinking frames and experiment with a single idea.

Once you’ve done it enough times, you’ll have a database filled with creative ways of expressing your core ideas.

That’s it from me today.

Enjoy your weekend.

– Nithish

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