Why You Struggle With Outreach

And How You Can Fix It

I have always been a keen observer.

I’ve observed lately that the modern-age coaches, agency owners, and service providers struggle to get clients.

Outreach always gets procrastinated to tomorrow.

Or people spam 100s of DMs/emails just to get a “f*ck off” or no replies from their prospects.

This is truly painful. Strong negative beliefs are associated with outreach which continues the loop of rejection and failure. Most find this cycle impossible to escape.

My History With Outreach

Outreach made me depressed to the point where I wanted to quit my business and work a 9-5 job.

I would fill up my schedule just to avoid doing outreach and justify not doing it.

I used to send 50 DMs everyday and will get 2-3 responses a week which led to nowhere.

I built up so many negative beliefs and associations with outreach that I didn’t want to do it anymore.

I was desperate for results.

I was convinced that there was a “secret” that many people knew that I didn’t.

I’d go 7-10 days doing outreach consistently, then I’d trail off into something else, or change my approach entirely.

It was the most painful period in my life.

I struggled, struggled, and struggled until I came across this phrase:

People don’t have business problems. They have personal problems that reflect in their business


This connected the dots perfectly.

Your Personal Problems Are Business Problems

90% of businesses fail not because businesses fail, but because the business owner does.

They don’t have a shitty business, just a shitty understanding, or a lack of skills required to be successful. This, therefore, is a personal problem and if they fixed their personal problems (skills, beliefs, understanding) then their business would thrive.

Realize this:

You are the summation of your beliefs. The way you experience life depends on your identity and sense of self which is built by all the beliefs you hold within you.

I can hear the screaming.

“What the hell do my beliefs have to do with my results with outreach and business!?” you might ask.

Well, everything.

You Are Your Beliefs

These were all the faulty beliefs I had about outreach:

  • Getting clients is hard

  • Sales is hard

  • Outreach is hard

  • People won’t respond

  • Outreach isn’t that important

  • I’m not good at outreach

  • People will think I’m spamming them

  • I’ll let them come to me

  • I’ll do more volume tomorrow

  • The market is too saturated

  • There’s too much competition

  • I’ve already tried everything

  • People will reject my proposal

All these beliefs meant only one thing:

“It’s too painful to do it, and I’m living in denial”

But here’s the reality:

None of these beliefs represent the truth. They’re not grounded in reality. They are merely the result of your mind trying to avoid pain.

Your mind conjured them up so you can avoid facing the painful truth and make you comfortable. This is a common survival instinct your mind plays whenever you face hardships in life. By having these beliefs, you manifest what you believe in and hence repeating the cycle again.

Deep down, you believe that outreach “doesn’t work anymore”.

This is because you subconsciously want to avoid all the pain and issues that come with actually getting clients.

The reason why so many people struggle is that they are not aware of these subconscious mechanisms in their minds. They think they’re just “bad” at outreach. No amount of optimized DMs, copy, funnel, or emails will save you from your faulty beliefs.

Change Your Foundation

Here’s the truth about outreach:

  • Getting clients is easy

  • Sales is easy

  • Outreach is easy

  • People will respond

  • Nothing is more important than outreach

  • You’re good at outreach

  • You should go to them

  • You should do more volume today

  • The market is not saturated

  • There’s too little competition

  • You’ve never tried everything

  • People will accept your proposal

  • You’re not spamming people; You can genuinely help them

And all these beliefs mean only one thing:

“Yes, it is painful but I’ll accept it and am willing to face it head on“

Until you make the unconcious, conscious it will rule your life and you will call it fate

Carl Jung

That’s it from me today.

Until next time,



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