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- Here's How The New Rich Will Crush The Traditional Workforce
Here's How The New Rich Will Crush The Traditional Workforce
And How You Can Save Yourself

When I was a child, I was a keen observer.
I’d watch adults complain about their jobs and how restricted they were (freedom-wise)
I’d also question everything that others told me to do. Whether it be following a religion or going to school, I never took anything on “faith”.
I’m grateful for my programming but I gained an unfair advantage over my peers by questioning things.
Whenever I asked questions on why 97% of people follow the same path of going to school and getting a job they don’t feel happy about:
I was never given an answer that satisfied me.
And I can start observing the cracks in the current system:
Open-minded individuals are losing trust in formal education.
They see people outsourcing their quality of life to exaggerated promises of schools and colleges.
Incompetent teachers and systematically flawed management make it a need for students to self-educate to score good grades.
People have indirectly started to rely on the creator economy more than they do on the formal education system.
The current system will be a stepping stone to financial stability at the least.
There is no route to take for a fulfilled life in the current education landscape.
After $12,000 down the drain for an outdated 5-year course, I was done with my university.
The Traditional Workforce
In my 3rd year of college, I was interested in programming.
It interested me so much that I’d spend 3-4 hours a day studying with online courses. I was able to complete the whole college syllabus in a month. I stopped going to classes but still got A+(s)
This meant only one thing: The formal education system is dying and people who stick with it will struggle for basic survival.
The formal education system:
Promotes conformism
Promotes closed-box thinking
Reprimands questions
Hires incompetent teachers
Has broken management
Promotes memorization over creativity
Promotes job security over freedom
Incentivizes zero-sum games
Makes basic survival soul-sucking
And you’ll be labeled “weird” if you try to escape the system.
They don’t want you to take risks or strive for freedom because it’ll remind them of their regrets and failures.
The role of the school system is to give qualified candidates for colleges. The role of the college system is to give qualified employers to society.
People are opting in a sales funnel for a 9-5 dread cycle without realizing it.
However, a small group of people became aware of this invisible funnel and worked their way out of the system. But common folk brand them as “lucky” because people don’t believe that they too can get the pie.
But who are these people and what secrets do they know that you don’t?
Outliers Of The System: The New Rich
Who are the New Rich?
The creators and visionaries who leverage the internet to connect with the masses. Their life’s work is born out of their curiosity and interests. With their ability to persuade people, they attract and lead their tribe to a higher goal. They are free through time and space and have the privilege of individual choice. They make aware of the problems people face, build trust, and provide solutions born out of creativity.
Let’s dissect each pillar of the new rich.
Internet Today
20 years ago, the only way to move up the social hierarchy is:
Go to school
Go to college
Go to a job
But people are following the funnel to this day. With today’s internet landscape, people are getting overloaded with information. The social hierarchy is getting disrupted. People are losing trust in the current education system.
Today’s creators are giving out quality education that big universities can only dream of. These universities cannot afford to change their curriculum every year and be updated with everyday developments. It is not economically feasible
The internet allows you to learn skills that schools don’t teach, which are often the skills that lead to an irreplaceable income.
You need to invest time & money into education that won’t lead to a static salary.
Learn meta-skills like sales, writing, speaking, and marketing. Use those skills combined (or not) with a skill of your interest for more firepower.
Use social media to build a tribe who trust in you. Provide your expertise in terms of services and products. Monetize yourself through your interests and skills.
Invest time to get results. Invest in results to get leverage.
You need a purpose, or you’ll be assigned one
Happiness is not fulfillment.
Does your everyday work excite you?
Do you look forward to your work everyday?
Will you do your everyday work even if you don’t get paid for it?
If you answered “no” to these questions:
This is the calling you’ve been waiting for to change your life trajectory.
Observe why 97% of people are not happy.
Realize what you don’t want. Create your Vision and Anti-Vision.
You need something to work towards and something to run away from.
Find what you don’t want and move against it.
Total Freedom
2-3 years of fulfilling work towards a higher goal by leveraging the internet will give you total freedom.
What is total freedom:
You’ll not be restricted by time
You’ll not be restricted by money
You’ll not be restricted by location
You’ll not have a boss over your shoulder monitoring your output.
You won’t depend on a monthly paycheck to feed your family.
Having complete freedom over your lifestyle will make you feel superhuman.
Right to choose
You can’t self-actualize when you’re stressed about basic survival.
You can’t choose your problems when there’s a constant need for money, human connection, and health.
It’s difficult to make time for spirituality and high-awareness work in a stressful environment.
Having total freedom lets you choose your battles.
Having the right to choose is your first step in your actualization journey.
Cover your survival needs early in life so that you can start focusing on what matters.
The Traditional Workforce will keep working in a job they hate with no freedom and will be forced to create for basic survival.
The New Rich will keep spreading their ideas, attract people with their ideas, and monetize by providing real-world value.
People have started looking for alternatives to the formal education system.
The next 5 years is the golden age for creators. Open-minded and opportunistic people will climb the bandwagon.
Those who stick with the old system will be crushed. They’ll be forced to create for basic needs.
But how to join the New Rich?
Join The New Rich
The New Rich are entrepreneurs. But they don’t follow the traditional rules of the game. More than entrepreneurs, they are creators.
The best businesses change lives.
Transformations make a winning service/product.
Stop trying to solve imaginary problems.
Lean into your curiosity.
Learn what interests you.
Solve your problems.
Document the solution.
Package it up.
Stick a price tag on it.
You won’t fail if you solve meaningful real-life problems.
Here’s a clear roadmap for you to get started:
Lean Into Your Interests
“I don’t have any interests” is the most common excuse I hear people say.
You create interest by investing mental energy into it. You start with experimentation and see where it leads you. Your purpose starts with trying various things and picking the one that resonates with you the most.
Start consuming content around your interests. Focus on books, courses, videos, and articles, and learn the ropes.
In 30 days, you’ll know more than 98% of people in the interest you’ve invested your energy in.
Create Your Distribution
To monetize your interests, you need distribution.
Pick a social media to start with (X is good for beginners) and start posting.
Talk about your interests. Post about what you learn everyday. Follow and engage with other creators who you resonate with.
By being social and posting consistently, you attract people similar to you.
Start providing real-life value to your audience. Share your story and where you come from. Post your values and what goal you’re striving towards. Lead your audience to your vision.
Combined with consistency, you’ll slowly become an authority in the interests you talk about.
And with so much value provided, your audience will be ready to pay to learn from you directly.
Create Your Product/Service
Likes and followers are good. But cash is better.
To monetize your interests, you need a product (or a service).
I’d recommend starting with a service because you can monetize right away.
You’ve already gained expertise in your interests.
Learn about offer building ($100M Offers by Alex Hormozi) and draft up an offer.
Start promoting yourself in the timeline.
Start sending DMs about your offer to your most-engaging followers.
Having a good offer is the first step.
But there’s more.
Learn The Meta-Skills
Your interests alone will not make you rich.
Start learning the skills that’ll actually make you money.
Your interests can only take you so far. Don’t become a starving artist.
Start with marketing, sales, writing, and speaking.
Sales is how you get customers or clients
Marketing is how you get eyes on your product/service
Writing and speaking are how you attract your audience
Without the “right” skills, your other skills don’t matter to make money.
I was able to make $2000/month by only using these meta-skills.
If I can do it, so can you.
That’s it from me.
Enjoy your week.
If You Need My Help With Your Personal Brand, You Have 3 Options:
1. 𝕏 Consultation: A 4-hour call where I'll help you with ALL your problems on content creation and monetizing your brand + I’ll give you access to Creator Command Center (my notion system for content creation). DM me “Consult” on X by clicking this link
2. One-to-One Mentorship: A 90-day mentorship program where I'll help you systemize your content creation + monetize your brand to 4-figures in just 2 hours/day. DM me “Mentor” on X by clicking this link